
ELP Porirua poems feature in ‘More of us’


What an honour for three of our Porirua centre learners! Asaid Eshaq, Sediqa Amini and Nicole Wang feature in More of Us, a new anthology of poems by 46 people who came to New Zealand as former refugees or migrants.

Writers range from people like Asaid, Sediqa and Nicole, to well-established poets, to high school ESOL students.

English Language Partners has had a big involvement in the project. Adrienne Jansen, lead editor for the book, ran a poetry workshop for the centre for several months in 2018.

The book was launched by Michael Wood, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Ethnic Communities, at the National Library in Wellington on Race Relations Day, 21 March 2019.

200 people attended amid high security – it wasn’t your average book launch. The book had sold out by the launch, but it has since been reprinted.

It’s a book for every library and school, all English Language Partners’ centres and everyone working with migrants.

Please spread the word about this fantastic new book!

Available from Landing Press for $22.00

View this fantastic video that learners made for All of Us, (companion book to More of Us).



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